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The UK's leading eco-friendly & economical water saving partner for your business, including waterless urinals.

Water saving solutions for your business

Start your journey with a
free site survey

Discover how we turn water obstacles into continuous money saving solutions:

Say goodbye to nasty hygiene shocks caused by inappropriate  system functionality

Find out if optimum water management is already achieved

Continuously save money, for years after our service

Gain environmental business status

Meet modern water regulations 

Start your journey with a
free site survey

Case studies

Waterless Urinals

Retro-Fit Solution

Net Saving per annum:


Chiswick Park ENJOY-WORK.COM


monthly to on average 6 months for an invest to pay itself back

Payback plans




50,000 seater stadium

Yearly savings of up to:

€440 per urinal

AVIVA Stadium



Saves water which saves from leak damage, water rates and more..

22,248,370 L

Euro Tunnel
